If you made it this far, just hold out a few more days.
This morning was nice and sunny. First mostly sunny moment in over 10 days.
Clouds should return this afternoon (I think they already have) with some rain moving in through the mid day hours tomorrow and through the evening. Mostly light rain in comparison to the deluge we had last week. Dry by Sunday - so get out there and enjoy the green hills. the Pogonip in Santa Cruz is particularly awesome this time of year if you enjoy pretending you are an Ewok.
Still, the ground is saturated, so any rain at this point can cause additional flooding and high running water. Avoid walking in low lying areas unless you have some good wellies or golashas. (PS - no idea if these are any good - just enjoy doing the linky thingy)
Water outlook is the best it has been in three seasons, but we are still in a drought here in California - so pray for more rain. My very scientific look at Lexington resevior on my drive by at 50MPH suggest that we are looking in good shape in the south bay. A few more feet of water, and the island will be covered (which puts us in a good spot). We are still over 10 feet from the tree that marks high water. In truth, the outlook is not realiable until about April 1st, so this is really like discussing next weeks weather - fun, but pointless.
Next week is looking sunny with a nice high pressure ridge according to the GFS models with light rain in Marin. Still, air temps remain cool, and over riding moisture keeps us partly cloudy. OTOH, UNISYS has light to moderate rains hitting the coastal range on Wednesday evening into Thursday.
Another heavy bought of rain will take form sometime next week between Thursday night and Friday and into the weekend, according to both models. So we can expect only a brief period of dry weather, which is what is expected with an el nino. And we need the water. At least it is expected to get spaced out and let the earth drain a bit.
Produce costs are on the rise across the board. The cold weather in the south along with our heavy rains in the west are hurting production. I also learned what I feared - the water logged soil promotes crown and rot rot for asparagus. Bummer. We can expect a late start of the season for potatoes as well.
The riding up in Tahoe has been great and we are finally looking like mid winter. Heart Chute at KW was got this week for the first time in years. I heard last Saturday was the most crowded (roads and resorts) in years. Sunday was pretty darn good.
This weekend could be a good one with so many people burnt out from last week's drive. The light snow (perhaps a foot) falling on Friday and Saturday also adds some promise. Bluebird Sunday on tap.
Remember to drive safe - even after the rain stops. With the rain at bay yesterday, there were at least two horrible accidents on 17 yesterday morning. At least three cars off the embankment. Be courtious and aware.
A little more next week as we get closer to the rain. And if you are at KW this weekend, give me a hollar. You can't miss my bright blue pants.