The shift in the storm also allowed for some colder air to stay on top of us, instead of the slight warmer we saw yesterday. Again, snow levels dropped, and this time we have the wet right on top of us. The Diablo ski fields are filling in, and tomorrow may be a bluebird day for skiing above the bay. Just be sure to bring your rock skis. And in the real ski country, today continues to be turbulent, but much mellower than the past few days. Kirkwood is reporting 12 feet of new snow, and the entire mountain is on schedule - but it will take some time to dig the back out of all that new fluff. Tomorrow looks to be bluebird. Cold temperatures keep the week ahead looking prime with a light refill coming in late in the work (or ski) week. I know I'm gonna try to find some time in the coming weeks to get back up there. It has returned to goodness.

This past week has been a challenge to forecast. It never ceases to amaze me how storms moving in off the Pacific can be so unpredictable. Even the ones in sync with the jet stream seem to have a mind of their own. It is one of the wonders of California. Another winter wonder for us it the fact that so many flowers seem to be enjoying like. It is amazing. I think about how back east, no only have they been under the brutal domain of winter for the past six week, but now that their weather has rebounded, they are still under the influence of that winter. Skies can remain grey for weeks in upstate New York. Northern New England may barely (if that) break the freezing mark. And even as far south as our nation's capital they need to wait fro April for the trees to blossom. Not us. Here, we are in perpetual bloom. So even after a week of grey and rain, there is plenty of beauty to behold.

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