Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Good, the Bad and the (not so) Ugly.

Well, we did get ourselves a bit of rain on Monday.  That was no passing shower, but a full fledge small winter storm that passed through.  High pressure filled in quickly behind it, ramping up the onshore gradient and bringing some cooler weather.  What was low 70s before the storm, is now sitting at mid 60s.  The good news is that those winds continue to blow, hardest in the afternoon, and keep the marine layer at bay.  Beautiful, crisp, sunny mornings are the name of the game through this weekend.  And the good news is a slow warming trend should bring us back into the low 70s by Monday.  Alas, we may see the sea breeze diminish and the return to morning fog.  But the afternoons will be that much better.  No gloom is currently in sight.  Sun is the name of the game this mid June.  Glorious.

The North Pacific remains very active for this time of year.  Storms are in the Gulf, and another one looks to wind up north of Hawaii over the weekend.  Rain storms continue to pound Portland and points north.  Serious snow at elevation.  While we got a good 12 hours of rain on Monday, they have had days.  And it is not relenting.  Another strong wave is moving through up there right now.  No drought concern right there.  So if you enjoy the thought of summer skiing, go climb a volcano, or ride the Palmer snow field if you're too lazy to hike.  The California Cascades have been riding well, and there is still plenty of snow on them.  Shasta seems to have improved with this last period of snow and wind.  Hard to say, as that wind is still blowing up there.  In Tahoe, there is still some patch skiing.  It is a dry hike out to Roundtop, but plenty of snow still out on its shoulder and over by the Sisters.  Basically, it is patch skiing season.

If you have not planted your tomatoes, then you may just as well call it off for this season.  If you do have them in the ground, you have got to be pretty stoked with this weather.  We have only had a few days of gloom so far this season, and many days of full, or almost full sun.  Things should be going well.  But stay on top of the weather.  If it looks like you may be entering a foggy period, go out and buy some copper spray to protect your plants.  Keep the blight away, otherwise, all that awesome growth they are experiencing now, will be for aught if they get take down.  In other plant news, it is entering harvesting season for garlic.  That stuff will be potent, and we are lucky enough to still be at this home and pulling our heads the day we move out.  Remember to water your gardens.  Long days of sun, or hot days, require more.  In cool and foggy weather you want to be sure not to over water and invite fungus and mold into your garden.  This week looks good for starting more seedlings, just hard to say what you would want to start out.  Maybe something with a fall harvest that is not too tender.

In the water, small south swells continue to give fun sized waves.  Things have been dropping since Saturday, but we should see an uptick in the NW wind swell and a few moderate, spotty, long period S swells arrive through the weekend.  Also by the weekend, we see the chance for morning fog and lighter winds along the open coast.  But get on it early, as that gradient will be kicking up in the late morning.

In short, fair weather for the coming week.  Morning fog forming over the weekend.  Increasing warming temperatures through the start of next week.  The important thing is - not June Gloom.

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