Along the Sierra Crest. And inch or more. Maybe a foot along the higher peaks south of Tahoe. Kind of cool for mid May. Like many of these events, much of it will slip by us. This one to our east, and south. Still, we get some. Clouds fill in tonight. That, along with the winds, will keep the warmth at bay. Or, rather, inland. What little there is of it. But, yay, Saratoga is warmer than Asilomar folks. Anyway, it will be warm tonight. Cloud cover can offer that. Low temp of about 50F. Good for seedlings. Tomorrow, Tuesday, clouds increase and by later in the day we could see some very light, and sporadic showers. High temp of just about 60F. Rain chances and intensity increase through the evening, and past dark, but this is no rain maker. Low, again, around 50F. Total rain fall of less than a quarter inch. If you have a rain collection system, and it needs to be adjusted, or engaged, you may want to do that this afternoon. I expect to collect about 20 gallons by Wednesday morning, and while that is not much, it is much more than I've collected over the past few weeks. Things change abruptly on Wednesday.
Once is Enough, Heart Chute, and the Sisters. Kirkwood, California. February, 2017. |
As in the clouds clear, and we warm up. Nicely. Upper 60s and sun on Wednesday, and fairly breezy off the ocean. In fact, this system pretty much swings through to our north and east enough that winds never shift out of the NW for any period of time. They may swing a bit on Tuesday, but not forecasted. Anyway, warm on Wednesday. Warmer on Thursday and pushing 80F for Friday and the weekend. At least downtown. Beaches will be in the mid to upper 70s. Winds back down each day and might even blow offshore in the morning Friday. Plenty of wind swell out there. Just need to find a window where the winds let off enough to go get at it. Checking back in tomorrow.
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