Holy cow, this morning's run of the models is inspiring. The storms systems moving through the northern Pacific continue to morph, yet stay, in the models. Each run continues to support the forecast of a storm train that begins forming today, with the first real significant system of the fall season developing by this Friday. A Date Line storm forms at about 45N and makes an arc east south east to about 160W, before lifting north through the Gulf of Alaska. This is followed by another series of storms through the entire model forecast period. While any specific forecast much beyond 72 hours is pretty much useless, the trend showing suggests a change of season is happening. And you know what that means for us.
Well, this week, we have a persistent upper low offshore pushing a heavy marine layer on us, and the typical summer high pressure gradient developing, blowing the fog out in the afternoon. You know the drill. Wet, damp, foggy, chilly mornings, followed by a mild, sunny, breezy, beautiful afternoon. This week, at least early, I expect temperatures struggling to reach 70 across the county. Sure, up in the mountains it is warm - and, in fact, if you wish to escape the coolness of the coast, you need just drive a few miles up the local hills. It has been getting warm up there. But, now, back on topic.
The fishing fleet has been out on the bay. Lighthouse Point, Santa Cruz. |
The good news, is that these projected storms begin to take shape, and control of the open ocean waters, the shape of the west coast high pressure bubble begins to change. It is suppressed from the north, and can bulge out over us, giving us the golden months of the year. Okay, so the south west low pressure does not completely disappear by this weekend, but it does look like that by the earler part of next week, we see a shift toward a different, less foggy, weather pattern. Fingers crossed.
But I want to leave you thinking og three things this week. First, then coming change is the first step toward winter. That should come along in another several months or so, but what the fine fall weather should remind us of, is get the outside jobs done. Once winter comes, it can be tough to get out there. Don't let last year's mild winter lessen your resolve. Also, get you outside playing going on. Second, it is Pink Lady season. Keep an eye out for these gals. They are popping up all over the county. And finally, the sunset last night was spectacular. We are entering sunset season around here. Keep an eye out for night with a few clouds to maximize the awesomeness.