Sunday, October 23, 2011

Holy Spectacular Weather on Tap. Git sum.

Have I said that before?  Today, it is so nice out there.  I hope every Bay Arean got out and enjoyed this most wonderful Sunday.  Santa Cruz showed up with 85F, and Pacifica was only a touch cooler around mid day today.  The beaches were well in to the 70s with some spots heating up nearly to 80F.  And this is not even the off shore wind event I wrote about a few days ago.  This is actually an interesting set up we have going on today, as what looks like a typical summer gradient is pumping in warm air, but the waters just off the coast are much warmer.  No fog, and an eddy breeze kept us high and dry through the day.

There have been a few foggy mornings along the Central Coast.  Scotts Creek.

A little cooling tonight, as a dry short wave moves through to our north.  South winds develop, and we could see fog form along the coast.  This should be gone by mid morning tomorrow, and sun will return.  But most of us will notice a change from today, as high temperatures could be 10-15 degrees cooler.  Expecting low 70s in Santa Cruz tomorrow.  Things then develop to be just a bit cooler than that through the week.  Those folks living in the Sierra will really notice a big difference with highs today in the 70s, and in the high 40s by mid week.  They will really notice it in the early morning Thursday where many locations above 6000 feet could drop into the teens.

But almost every evening has been clear.  West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz.

Down here along the coast, we can still expect pleasant weather, and after Monday, it looks like we could get several days of clear sunshine in the morning.  As for that off shore wind event, driving in warm, dry air.  Looks like it will be likely to be short lived.  This short wave moves a bit too quickly to get a good gradient set up.  If anything, it looks more like a Thursday event.  Still, winds look light this week, so the surf should stay decent.  A new NW starts to show late tomorrow, peaking Tuesday at a few feet overhead in the best spots.  A SW peaks Wednesday, resulting in perhaps head high waves at south facing breaks.  Looks like we should have decent waves through the work week, and possibly more NW swell developing later next week.  In short, fall swell season looks like it is turning back on.

P.S.  the sunset just now was off the hook.  Wish I had the camera.

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