If you are observant, you will have noticed a change in the fog this morning. It was much less wet. Yesterday I collected 3 gallons dripping off a roof between seven and ten in the morning. The ground is not even wet today. That is because the south flow we have been enjoying is coming to an end. The winds shift hard out of the northwest today. That lifts the fog layer higher, and stops pushing moisture up the south facing hills. No more early morning drizzle, and we will even see some afternoon sun. Depending on what you enjoy, this can either be a good thing or a bad thing. So, here is the break down for the next few days.
Shore break. 4 Mile Beach. Santa Cruz. |
High fog clears out around noon today. Some cloud cover may linger later, especially along the water. But it will not be like the last few days when the grey lasted through the afternoon and any blue above was rare. The northwest flow builds through the next few days, blowing out the fog earlier each morning. Mid 70s for today and Friday. 80F in town for Saturday. Cooler at the beaches. Then it begins to cool off again, as the high pressure starts shifting to our north. About 70F for the start of next work week. Northwest flow continues, but may weaken by Tuesday. We may even see a return to south flow, which would mean longer lingering fog. So basically, foggy for the next week, but at least we may see the sun for a few days. Must be June.
Surf has been pretty small recently, but with the light south flow, some spots exposed to the small south ground swells and the small northwest wind swells were clean and breaking. With not much swell on tap for the next week, and those north west winds brewing, you will need to be looking toward early morning sessions or grabbing a longboard. Or better yet, a bike. That drizzle the past few days should have settled some of the loose slough on the single track. It is also pretty stellar weather for working in the yard. You can do a lot of heavy lifting with minimal sweat. Anyway, even though it can feel dreary when it gets like this, there is still plenty of fun things to do. And really, the weather is great. It is not like it is raining. But then again, we could sure use some of that.