Going to take a moment to point out how all over the place the models have been with these systems coming through. It is spring. And the lows do tend to cut off from the jet stream and wander any which way they will. And it now looks like any chance for weekend rain will wander south, a hundred miles or more off the coast. And just a few days ago this thing was looking to hammer the state with the center coming ashore near SLO. Too bad. That water would have been welcome. Next system upstream is slotted to come ashore on Tuesday, and current model runs keep this one to our north. Maybe some light showers for the Sierra.
A good weekend to play in Wilder State Park. Check out the chicken coop. |
In short, the weekend looks pleasant with temps rising into the low 70s by Sunday. Sun and warmth likely to continue through the week, with more warming by the end of next work week. Could be a nice run of weather. But the weather pattern is still active to our north. So, with a bit of luck, we could see more cold and rain later this month. But as it looks now, it is planting season. So get out there and get your gardens in shape. You may want to get a few tomatoes in the ground or pots if you have not already.
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