Saturday, February 2, 2019

Big Change Since Last Night.

That storm pushed onshore a lot faster than expected.  That has both shifted when we get the heaviest rain and hit much we will get.  In short, the first, and strongest, band of rain has already moved to our east.  It is pretty impressive and currently effecting the Central Valley in an arc from Point Mendocino to Point Conception.  A secondary, and much milder, band is is setting up along our coast.

Impressive band of moisture arcing across the state.

This by no means is to suggest the rain is over for today, just that it will be much lighter than forecast.  With the storm moving through so quickly, a lot rain fell last night.  A little over an inch here on the westside and and inch and a half in the hills above town.  And while we had a break for a few hours just now that rain just started up again.  I'd expect bands of precipitation to move through until mid day, and maybe we get a little more showery weather by this afternoon.  That is good news for those of us who like to get out and hike in this weather. And my son's afternoon swim school class.

It is currently 50F out there and not expected to get much warmer than that over the next few days.  In fact, the big news is the colder air filtering in with each new wave of storms.  By Wednesday morning, we could be looking at morning temperatures in the mid to low 30s.  Freezing levels are expected to drop down to between 2000 and 1000 feet above sea level.  That would mean we would see snow on the top of Route 17.  And on the top of the mountains around the Bay.  Anyone want to hike for some turns or a snowball fight?  Tuesday and Wednesday are the days.

This storm is just now reaching the Sierra.  A few inches on the ground already, but a lot more to come in the next 24 hours.  And then, sort of a break Sunday morning to mid day, then colder air and lot more snow. Forecast models last night were calling for up to 6 feet at lake level with a to more at the peaks.  Like u to 10 feet, with localized amounts of 13 feet.  This is a Tahoe storm.

A grey sky and winds are the name of the game today.  Rain this morning, with showers by afternoon, and maybe a big enough break to get out for a hike.

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