Sunday, April 6, 2014

Get it while it is good. Summer is coming!

Damned summer threatens our region.  We have a few days to prepare.  Then, boo!  First, the good news.  It is awesome out there.  I woke up this morning to some heat, but then again, I am in a desert right now.  But I bet it was feeling pretty fine back at home this morning, and mid day is perfect.  I, OTOH, am hiding inside right now.  I don't like my hot much hotter than 85F.  Santa Cruz is looking perfect in the mid 70s right now.  Night temps are hovering just about 50F.  Seriously, that is pretty damned epic.  And the surf is pumping too, with a solid long period six foot swell.  And the morning winds are not to bad either.  So yeah, pretty nice out there.

Red Cliffs, after the storm.  A great April Fool's Day joke.  Kirkwood, California

Expect more of the same, if not getting a little warmer, the next two days.  Right now, Monday is looking the warmest, but really, it will be a luck of the draw kind of thing.  Upper 70s.  Then on Wednesday, a decent sized storm tries to move on shore well north of us.  This will knock the day time highs down a bit.  Expect us to top out at 70F.  But, here is the suck.  Usually, these systems either bring us a little rain, followed by fine weather, or the keep the high pressure squarely on top of us.  In the second scenario we get warmth and light winds.  Instead, on Thursday, it looks like the high pressure will redevelop to our north and west, in its summertime position.  And you know what that means.  Gloom.  Grey.  Fog.  Boo.  Yup.  Starting Thursday, and into the following weekend, we could see summer time weather developing.  Marine layer fills in overnight and last through late morning.  It will feel cool and damp and daytime highs will be sitting around the mid 60s.  And to make matters even worse, this high pressure in this location is much harder for any incoming storms to displace.  That mean it will become increasingly difficult to get much needed rain water into the state.  More boo.  But what can you do?  I don't make the weather, just report on it.  In the meantime, get outside.  It is gorgeous.

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